Fotomagico audio fade out
Fotomagico audio fade out

fotomagico audio fade out

The 3D option first pushes the image away before moving it over.Ĭreates an effect similar to flushing the outgoing slide down the toilet. You can choose the direction of the slide effect in 90° increments (up, down, right, left). The incoming slide pushes the outgoing slide out of sight. Slides the incoming slide over the outgoing one. There is one additional parameter: direction, which can be left (counterclockwise) or right (clockwise). Parameters are softness (0%-100%) and direction, which can be inward or outward.Ĭreates a ‘clock-like’ wipe effect between the outgoing and incoming slide. Softness 0% creates hard edges, while 100% produces a soft edged effect that almost looks like a dissolve.Ĭreates a round wipe effect between the outgoing and incoming slide. Simply cuts from the outgoing slide to the incoming one.įades out the outgoing slide and fades in the incoming slide.Ĭross dissolves from the outgoing slide to the incoming slide.Ĭreates a wipe effect between the outgoing and incoming slide. The table below lists each transition type and how it affects image and audio. For example, if you use a dissolve transition, and below that transition are two consecutive audio items in the Storyboard/Timeline, those audio items will be crossfaded. *The transition type affects both image and audio. *You can also change the transition type by right clicking on a transition icon directly in the Storyboard/Timeline. Many transitions can be customized with additional parameters. TypeĬhoose from a list of several transition categories. *The Transition Options inspector opens automatically when you double-click a transition in the Storyboard/Timeline. Depending on the chosen type, additional parameters are shown as appropriate. To change the transition for multiple slides at once, select the slides in the Storyboard/Timeline and choose the desired transition type in the inspector. The Transition Options inspector lets you select type, duration, and other parameters for the transitions between slides.

Fotomagico audio fade out